Monday, September 30, 2013


Perfect casual looks for school. It gives you that "I wake up looking this good" kind of look.

Her shirt and shoes match, this is a bold statement and you can say she's not afraid to stand out.

Beautiful shirt. The shoes are what complete the look!

Her smize into the camera is so hypnotizing 

                                                       A subtle look and just look at that perfect smize!

Bright vibrant hair is what completes this outfit the most. It adds color contrast.

 Now this looks like goth with a slight girly sassy side. The leopard print is actually what caught my eye

                                             There is no way to explain this photo. Its worth a million words.

2013 views now!! Wow.....

Todays topic is keeping up the perfect model figure and appearance 

 Now, if you are thicker then thats great! Being beautiful is all about personality and health. If you are very small and never eat anything, you are not keeping a good model figure. 

If you are so big that you have health risks then you are not keeping a good model figure.

                                                good model figure^

Good model figure^

                                          pretty but..... She doesnt look healthy at all^ and that can throw off some                                                people.


Looks like a video will be coming out Tomorrow....